Friday, August 29, 2014

School's Starting---and I'm Freaking Out (a bit)

School is supposed to start in a few days, and I feel more intimidated about it than I ever have.  This is why:

Freakout Reason #1: Introducing Abraham

Isn't he the cutest little bundle of newborn you ever did see? Isn't it obvious that he's a delight and joy?  But he's also a TIME-SUCKER! Because of my super hero amazing husband, I've had what should have been the least demanding summer of my life; except I had Abraham. I can put him in his swing for 5 seconds before I need to hold him for 5 minutes before I need to nurse him for 15 minutes before I need to rock with him for 5 minutes before the whole cycle starts over. He has no daytime schedule I can give him and he loves SHORT power naps.

This post-this short post-has already taken me a half hour to do because of Abraham breaks.  How am I suppose to accomplish ANYTHING nevermind everything I want to? AAAHHH

Freakout reason #2: Terrible Twos

This is William. Typical William. Add in a super loud and long WHINING soundtrack, and you've got the 24-hour jist of this jem. He has no interest in movies or electronic devices. I was happy about this for the first two years since babies are not supposed to be exposed to all that, but now it would be a bit convenient to have some sort of break.

Freakout reason #3: Tutoring

I have agreed to tutor four kids in the Barton Reading and Spelling System. The tutoring training says that each child needs one-on-one time, and that they need at least two hours a week. So that's eight hours out of my week not focused on my own kids. I really truly love these four kids and really hope I can help them. That's why I'm doing it, but I'm still a little daunted at the idea.

Freakout Reason #4: Frustration

Yep. Hyrum broke his leg. Not only will he NOT be able to go to Westwind Co-op because he can't do gymnastics, he won't be able to do the exercises I want to do everyday either. But more than that, Hyrum (who isn't the most even keeled child anyway) is easily frustrated at the world because of the overall frustration of being a cripple.

So yah, freaking out a bit.

It doesn't help that apparently, the Homeschool Organization told the new homeschool moms that this blog is a great example of how to homeschool. That's just intimidating. I feel like a flibberty jibbet pretending to be awesome. I fool some, but my kids know the truth.  Hallelujah  my husband works at home. It helps my psyche a bit.

Well, here it goes regardless of anything. SCHOOL STARTS ON MONDAY!

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