Sunday, November 25, 2012

Queen Victoria and Finally Starting Science

This week was one of those weeks when I kept finding myself wishing there were more hours in the day. BUSY.

I finally started our science club this week.  I've actually missed it.  It does take the most work (preparation wise) but it's worth it.  This year's group has all new boys in it because my old group all moved!  I think it will be good. They are closer in age to Maxwell then the group before.

We are doing biology this year, and we have a lot to cover in a short amount of time because we started so late.  This week we learned about cells.  We got the microscope out and looked at real cells.  We made a couple of cell models.  One out of a plate and cracker (the nucleus) and another out of jello where a grape was the nucleus.

We studied Queen Victoria this week. BTW "The Young Victoria" is one of my absolute favourite movies---a must watch.  We made decoupage boxes made with pictures from the Victorian era as our activity.

The homeschool organization here had a "Person of Eminence" day, and Maxwell chose Victoria as his person.   When we got there, we realized that we were supposed to dress up as our person.---oops---not that I would have wanted Maxwell dressed as Queen Victoria anyway!  Maxwell did really well on his presentation.  I was glad that he chose her because she kind of sums up the industrial revolution in one person.  Here's our friend giving his report on Benjamin Franklin:

We also learned about Charles Dickens, but we never ended up doing our activity for him because we were too busy reading.  We read children's versions of Oliver Twist, Little Dorrit, David Copperfield, and of course A Christmas Carol.  We also read the two Tree House books about Dickens.  Can I just say again that I LOVE Mary Pope Osborne?!

And at co-op Maxwell made a candle and Hyrum keeps making cute crafts.  Every homeschool mom NEEDS a co-op!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Back to Normal

We are back in Canada.  Our Idaho house is officially SOLD.  Whew!

While were still in Idaho we learned about Jane Austen.  We read a Usborne version of Pride and Prejudice.  Maxwell was not interested.  He was making duct tape wallets while listening.  Is it some genetic thing that boys don't like Jane Austen?  I LOVE Austen books. Oh well.  We made silhouettes as a memento.

Then we got back to Canada, and I was sick so not much to post.  We went to our co-op here.  Maxwell goes to a cooking class, a math class and my theatre class.  The other boys just go to a preschoolish class.  Maxwell made an apple crumble at the cooking class.

We also learned about Samuel Morse.  A great graphic novel about him is "Samuel Morse and the Telegraph" by Seidman.  I bought a Morse code kit, but it was just a glorified buzzer.  Next time around I think I'll get some walky talkies that buzz and see if my boys can send messages with Morse code.  I'ld like them to memorize it someday (my husband grew up on a boat, so we think it's still useful.)  ...---...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween, accomplishments, and Travels

This week Maxwell finished his Handwriting Without Tears book and his Dick and Jane book. FYI, I haven't been able to find any new editions of the Dick and Jane curriculum beyond the primer books, and so I've had to buy the 1950 originals off amazon.

Hyrum has finished his workbook too.  This is about all I brought with me from Cardston.  Maxwell only has a few math worksheets left.  I miss Rightstart math, which I left behind.  I bought a couple of things, but really----I need to be back in Cardston to do school effectively.

This week we have travelled and travelled.  I didn't let that stop things completely.  We still learned a bit about Florence Nightingale.  We read a ValueTales (I love that series) about Florence while on the road, and then we brought out some doctor/nurse kits to play with in the car.

Of course, it was Halloween, and we were able to celebrate it at Grandma T's house.

Aren't they cute?