Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pioneers and Gold

Are you shocked? I actually wrote two weeks in a row!

This week we continued to learn about pioneers and we even made covered wagons! (Presents from Grandma that made their way to Vanuatu.)

We also learned about the Gold rush (umm the USA gold rush....we will read about the Canadian Gold rush this week...don't worry) Did you know that Mormons were there working at Sutter's Mill when the gold was discovered? True. Anyway, for our activity, I got a wheel barrow full of sand and put glow in the dark rocks and real coins into it. They loved panning for that!

And, I must say that this week has been full of Checklist checking off. One thing that both Hyrum and Daniel needed to learn was about volume. So I taught both of them at the same time. Not the most peaceful and serene lesson. It's wisdom to do things one-on-one!

This picture pretty much sums up what went on during that lesson.

I must spend a few minutes bragging about this little guy:

Yep that is William reading his first book ever! He is doing great with Toe by Toe. He is always pointing out words that he recognizes when I'm reading to him at bedtime, and this was the conversation between him and Daniel the other day:

W-"I want to do Toe by Toe now!"
D-"Why do you like Toe by Toe?"
W-"Because I'm learning how to Read!"

Of course, this book (that wasn't part of Toe by Toe--It's like a Bob book) was a little painful to get through. Interestingly, Abraham was looking over our shoulders, and every once in awhile, when William would pause not sure about the next sound, Abraham would say it! What? Maybe things will go faster with one of my children. That would be a new experience.

William is being AMAZING in math. He is almost done with GRADE TWO math. Yes, you read that right. By the time Alberta actually recognizes him as actually starting school, he will be doing Grade THREE math.

In fact, one of his favourite things to do lately, is to tell me MULTIPLICATION facts that he's figured out himself. "Hey Mumma! Guess what! three fours are 12!" Hey Mumma! two  nines are 18!" This is not an isolated thing. He does this ALL THE TIME!

And let's not leave out this boy:

Abraham and William's favourite books to read right now are the Mr. and Little Miss books, so when I saw this shirt, I HAD to buy it! Abraham was ecstatic to find it in his closet.

Abraham has started to write his name. (I haven't trained him very much on this either.)

But most of the time, he says "Mumma, I want to do school!!!"  Well I have a confession to make: I haven't done very much preschool with Abraham--meaning nothing actually planned and carried out. Granted, he is always there when I teach William, and we read counting, colours and shapes books naturally. So when he say he wants to do "school" he means he wants to go on the iPad and do Starfall.

I only let him a couple times a week, but I seriously feel like it's a virtual preschool. I swear he's learned so much. Even if it's just us dancing around to one of their fun action songs.

However, my iPad just got smashed, and is barely working, so I'm going to only use it for Barton and the Orphan school. Poor Abraham. what will he do?

And as for the regular "what are we doing in these subjects" you just wait....the checklist post will have it all.

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