Sunday, September 30, 2018

Vikings and Electricity


This week we learned about the first Europeans in North America. We started with the vikings. My kids have been telling everyone they meet that Thursday is actually Thor's day. I don't think I ever realized before this week that Leif Erickson was a Christian.

Anyway, I gave my kids a vikings book and said, "I would like you to make a boat, but you can make whatever. Here's your guide." And that was all the direction I gave them for their craft. Maxwell was inspired. Behold:

Can you see how he has oars, a rudder, and a dragon's head? So cute!

Daniel's boat was SO CUTE too! The best part is where he had taken flies that he had killed and put it on the bow of the boat incapsulated in hot glue. But it got wrecked before I could get a photo.

William did one too:

We read this:

And we went to our first parent meeting of the year at Westwind, and we need to figure out how to have very concrete proof of learning, and my teacher and I discovered that Brainpop (which I use anyway) has some awesome resources that I will be using this year. I can have my kids take a quiz, make a movie using Brain pop images about the subject, do an activity like defining vocabulary about the subject, or they can even "make a map" which is basically a visual report on the subject. Brilliant! 

We also learned about Columbus. I feel uneasy about Columbus. I don't like talking about him too much. Whatever.


This week we learned about electricity even more. We learned about insulators and conductors. And I had every child tell me the basics of electricity and how it relates to magnets:

Even William was getting the hang of it a bit:

I'll have to have Hyrum do some brain pop stuff about magnets and electricity since it's what fifth graders are "supposed" to know.


I finally started doing some math with Hyrum. We were reviewing fractions, and he was delighted with how easy it was for him. I was pretty delighted too.

Maxwell's math got kind of hard and we did the same lesson for like three days. (Not the one pictured though.) Speaking of, it's so funny, apparently the school is supposed to give my kids grades, but what government officials don't seem to realize is that we go over things until they get a perfect score, because what's the point of going on if you don't understand what you're doing now? 

Yeah, whatever.

And Daniel is doing great.


I know you've been waiting for it...the continuation of Daniel's and Hyrum's stories:


The Adventures of Digital 3s... Continued

They all agreed and went into the jungle. One of them said "We need to get supplies. We need to find a trading post of a village."

Twister said "I know how to find animals for food and hides."

Jack asked "How do you know?"

"I don't know how I know, I just know." Twister replied. 

I said "Well, he must know because he can turn into any animal. Also he knows about them and where they like to be and what they want to do."

"Well, that makes sense." Jack said. Them Twister said "Follow me." They found an open field with a huge herd of ruckalloes.  Ruckalloes were good to eat, but they had a thick rock armour for their skin, so it is hard to kill them. The horns they grow on their face could be used for weapons. The meat would make it so you wouldn't have to eat again for seven days, and their bones had rare jewels in them. Some of the jewels were even magical.


The Warrior Elements...Continued

Then, just like the big crystal had done, the shards of crystal began floating. Half of the pieces flew out of the Temple and scattered. The other half was still floating.

Flame looked some more and found a little bag. Flame said "We can catch the floating crystals with this." They started jumping in the air and capturing the crystals. They put the crystals in the bag, but no matter how many they put in the bag, it did not get bigger. 

"This myst be enchanted." said Vipe. 

While they were jumping, it was actually kind of fun, until Vipe said "" Flame looked to where Vipe's voice was coming from. Vape was in the air right on top of Flame.

He was holding two crystals in his hands. "How are you doing that?" Flame asked. 

"I don't know, but I think it's caused by the crystals floating powers." said Vipe.

"What happens when you turn the crystal?" Flame asked. Vipe move both of his wrists forwards slightly, and he started to move forward. He twisted his wrists left and he started flying left.

And a sample of Maxwell's

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